Rexroth - Solenoid

Rexroth catalog for Solenoid. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Description Price Category
R909610437 24V M.SCHRAUBEN61335. $668.95 Solenoid
R909831690 ES-1137B-30-24V $210.88 Solenoid
R913018866 G35E009200-12V $211.78 Solenoid
R913018870 G35E009200-24V $204.28 Solenoid
R902602675 GHPY037N54L05-002-24V $356.72 Solenoid
R902602672 GHPY037N54L07-001-12V $187.70 Solenoid
R902602673 GHPY037N54L07-002-24V $164.64 Solenoid
R902601998 GHPY037N54L08-001-12V $267.67 Solenoid
R902601999 GHPY037N54L08-002-24V $176.29 Solenoid
R902602690 GHPY037N54L15-001-12V $157.99 Solenoid
R902602691 GHPY037N54L15-002-24V $154.90 Solenoid
R902602941 GHPY037N54L17-001-24V $296.18 Solenoid
R902602669 GHPY037N54L04-001-12V $157.31 Solenoid
R902603771 GR45R02_93_78_24V_30W $268.72 Solenoid
R902603562 GR45R028870-12V $187.72 Solenoid

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