Rexroth - 4P G4W1F

Rexroth catalog for 4P G4W1F. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
  • For valves with “small cubic connector”
Part Number supply voltage Weight Description Price Category
R900023126 24 V DC 10g 4P G4W1F PG7 SW $43.97 4P G4W1F
R913019655 - 4P G4W1F
R913011446 4P G4W1F PG7 GR +35M $1,371.84 4P G4W1F
R913010908 4P G4W1F PG7 GR +50M - 4P G4W1F
R901189488 4P G4W1F PG7 SW $21.59 4P G4W1F

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