Rexroth - VT-VPCD-1X

Rexroth catalog for VT-VPCD-1X. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
  • Component series 1X
  • Digital, Euro-card format
  • For swivel angle and pressure control as well as power limitation of a axial piston variable displacement pump
Part Number Description Price Category
R901089559 VT-VPCD-1-1X/V0/1-P-1 $8,051.53 VT-VPCD-1X
R901078493 VT-VPCD-1-1X/V100/1-0-1 $2,231.41 VT-VPCD-1X
R901415510 VT-VPCD-1-1X=V0/1-0-1 $2,221.91 VT-VPCD-1X
R901102344 VT-VPCD-1-1X/V0/1-C-1 - VT-VPCD-1X
R901102347 VT-VPCD-1-1X/V0/1-D-1 - VT-VPCD-1X

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