Rexroth - Analog, Euro-card format

Rexroth catalog for Analog, Euro-card format. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Weight Description Price Category
R900033828 110g VT 2000-5X/ $1,726.46 VT 2000-5X
R901152628 VT-VSPA1-10-1X/V0/0 $803.18 VT-VSPA1-10-1X
R901152637 200g VT-VSPA1-11-1X/V0/0 $2,417.23 VT-VSPA1-11-1X
R901362646 VT-VSPA1-11-1X=V0/0 $496.15 VT-VSPA1-11-1X
R900033823 VT-VSPA1-1-1X/ $1,677.84 VT-VSPA1-1-1X, VT-VSPA1K-1-1X
R900978827 VT-VSPA1-1-1X/005 $805.74 VT-VSPA1-1-1X, VT-VSPA1K-1-1X
R900782310 VT-VSPA1-2-1X/V0/0 $2,229.60 VT-VSPA1-2-1X
R901002761 VT-VSPA1-2-1X/V0/A4 $3,120 VT-VSPA1-2-1X
R901356608 VT-VSPA1-2-1X=V0/0 $376.78 VT-VSPA1-2-1X
R900053778 210g VT-VSPA1K-1-1X/ $2,344.69 VT-VSPA1-1-1X, VT-VSPA1K-1-1X
R901002090 300g VT-VSPA2-1-2X/V0/T1 $2,243 VT-VSPA2-1-2X
R901002095 314g VT-VSPA2-1-2X/V0/T5 $1,632.88 VT-VSPA2-1-2X
R901356606 VT-VSPA2-1-2X=V0/T1 $724.12 VT-VSPA2-1-2X
0811405081 VT-VSPA 1-508-10/V0/RTP $2,484.13 RTP
0811405079 VT-VSPA 1-525-10/V0/RTP $2,316.77 RTP

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