Rexroth - Analog, Modular design

Rexroth catalog for Analog, Modular design. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Description Price Category
R901280829 VT 11118-1X= $659.47 VT 11118-1X
R900537344 VT 11131-1X/ $1,365.89 VT 11131-1X
R901142355 VT-MSPA1-10-1X/V0 $393.89 VT-MSPA1-10-1X
R901142360 VT-MSPA1-11-1X/V0/0 $1,690.84 VT-MSPA1-11-1X
R901288142 VT-MSPA1-150-1X/V0/0 $343.45 VT-MSPA1-150-1X
R901142366 VT-MSPA1-200-1X/V0/0 $1,133.10 VT-MSPA1-200-1X
R901288145 VT-MSPA1-30-1X/V0/0 $653.80 VT-MSPA1-30-1X
R901010980 VT-MSPA2-1-1X/V0/0 $2,874.19 VT-MSPA2-1-1X
R901348140 VT-MSPA2-1-1X=V0/0 $514.86 VT-MSPA2-1-1X
R901061664 VT-MSPA2-200-1X/V0/0 $2,655.88 VT-MSPA2-200-1X
R901197784 VT-MSRA1-1-1X/V0/0 $535.19 VT-MSRA1-1-1X
R901386328 VT-MSRA1-1-1X/V001 $672.77 VT-MSRA1-1-1X
0811405126 VT-MSPA 1-508-10/V0 $560.93 VT-MSPA1-508-1X
0811405127 VT-MSPA 1-525-10/V0 $983.02 VT-MSPA1-525-1X
0811405106 VT-MSPA 2-525-10/V0 $1,863.26 VT-MSPA2-525-1X

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