Rexroth - A2FM

Rexroth catalog for A2FM. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Description Price Category
R910914475 A A2F M 250 $15,306.54 6x
R910930970 A A2F M 250 $7,028.86 6x
R910915383 A A2F M 250 $15,201.28 6x
R902445947 A A2F M 250 $9,441.88 6x
R910910653 A A2F M 250 $9,150.55 6x
R910979100 A A2F M 250 $9,915.97 6x
R910929843 A A2F M 355 $24,266.83 6x
R910985699 A A2F M 355 $13,825.30 6x
R910920780 A A2F M 355 $24,428.92 6x
R910943251 A A2F M 500 $30,780.46 6x
R910968982 A A2F M 500 $18,028.27 6x
R910994365 A A2FLM 250 $19,435.79 6x
R910928825 A A2FLM 355 $16,767.05 6x
R910997287 A A2FLM 355 $30,663.95 6x
R910968286 A A2FLM 500 $20,579.26 6x

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