Rexroth - Directional servo-valves

Rexroth catalog for Directional servo-valves. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Description Price Category
R901387450 2WFCE16S125L-1X/M/24A1 $4,720.63 Directional servo-valves
R901430244 2WFCE16S125L-1X/M/24G1 $3,317.58 Directional servo-valves
R901388124 2WFCE25S220L-1X/M/24A1 $5,107.80 Directional servo-valves
R901424819 2WFCE25S220L-1X/M/24B1 $2,430.64 Directional servo-valves
R901430247 2WFCE25S220L-1X/M/24G1 $3,597.47 Directional servo-valves
R901388127 2WFCE32S320L-1X/M/24A1 $5,857.88 Directional servo-valves
R901436314 2WFCE32S650L-1X/M/24B1 $5,837.38 Directional servo-valves
R901388128 2WFCE40S500L-1X/M/24A1 $6,886.06 Directional servo-valves
R901430255 2WFCE40S500L-1X/M/24B1 $6,929.33 Directional servo-valves
R901430258 2WFCE40S500L-1X/M/24G1 $4,863.46 Directional servo-valves
R901388132 2WFCE50S1000L-1X/M/24A1 $7,471.07 Directional servo-valves
R901430271 2WFCE50S1000L-1X/M/24B1 $5,767.06 Directional servo-valves
R901436321 2WFCE50S1500L-1X/M/24A1 $4,233.70 Directional servo-valves
R901214425 2WRC 160 K001-1X/S/M-54 $81,028.18 Directional servo-valves
R901366035 2WRC32S600P-2X/PK31/M-125 $10,288.70 Directional servo-valves

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