Rexroth - EMC-HD

Rexroth catalog for EMC-HD. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
  • With Ball Screw Assembly or Planetary Screw Assembly
  • High energy efficiency and low negative environmental impact (no risk of leaks)
  • Straightforward, compact and robust structural design for space-saving integration in machine concepts and usage even in harsh environmental conditions
Part Number Size Description Price Category
R156230000 85 EMC-085-HD-1 - EMC-HD
R156240000 105 EMC-105-HD-1 - EMC-HD
R156250000 125 EMC-125-HD-1 - EMC-HD
R156260000 150 EMC-150-HD-1 - EMC-HD
R156270000 180 EMC-180-HD-1 - EMC-HD

Next-Generation distribution

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