Festo - Bellow and diaphragm cylinders

Festo catalog for Bellow and diaphragm cylinders. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Size Operating Pressure Mounting Position Pneumatic connection Description Price Category
8114532 5 0 bar ... 6 bar optional M3 DMSP-5-50N-RM-CM $223.08 DMSP
36489 250 EB-250-85 $715.40 EB
8114534 20 0 bar ... 6 bar optional G1/4 DMSP-20-100N-RM-CM $274.14 DMSP
609543 DMSP-10-140N-AM-CM $226.26 DMSP
2748904 80 EB-80-45 $325.66 EB
193788 325 EB-325-95 $1,005.76 EB
562071 DMSP-10-70N-RM-CM $223.07 DMSP
36492 215 EB-215-155 $798.44 EB
193789 385 EB-385-115 $925.18 EB
8114536 10 0 bar ... 8 bar optional G1/8 DMSP-10-80N-RM-CM $213.76 DMSP
2748903 80 EB-80-20 $429.31 EB
193791 385 EB-385-230 $1,149.95 EB
36491 165 EB-165-125 $745.49 EB
193790 325 EB-325-215 $957.64 EB
36487 165 EB-165-65 $658.92 EB

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