Festo - EGSL

Festo catalog for EGSL. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Size Stroke [mm] Description Price Category
562160 35 50 EGSL-BS-35-50-8P $1,428.74 EGSL
559337 55 100 EGSL-BS-55-100-12.7P $2,387.46 EGSL
559339 55 250 EGSL-BS-55-250-12.7P $4,751.04 EGSL
562228 55 200 EGSL-BS-55-200-5P $4,331.30 EGSL
559335 45 100 EGSL-BS-45-100-10P $1,598.87 EGSL
559336 45 200 EGSL-BS-45-200-10P $2,024.11 EGSL
562226 45 200 EGSL-BS-45-200-3P $2,024.11 EGSL
562232 75 300 EGSL-BS-75-300-10P $3,785.51 EGSL
559342 75 300 EGSL-BS-75-300-20P $2,789.52 EGSL
562230 75 100 EGSL-BS-75-100-10P $1,939.06 EGSL
559340 75 100 EGSL-BS-75-100-20P $3,827.74 EGSL
562229 55 250 EGSL-BS-55-250-5P $4,751.04 EGSL
562227 55 100 EGSL-BS-55-100-5P $3,491.93 EGSL
559341 75 200 EGSL-BS-75-200-20P $3,211.02 EGSL
559338 55 200 EGSL-BS-55-200-12.7P $4,331.30 EGSL

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