Festo - DHWS

Festo catalog for DHWS. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Gripping force backup Description Price Category
1310181 N/O contact DHWS-25-A-NC $591.65 DHWS
1310179 N/O contact DHWS-16-A-NC $510.04 DHWS
1310180 None DHWS-25-A $587.89 DHWS
1310178 None DHWS-16-A $437.16 DHWS
1310184 None DHWS-40-A $847.75 DHWS
1310183 N/O contact DHWS-32-A-NC $686.32 DHWS
1310177 None DHWS-10-A $499.43 DHWS
1310182 None DHWS-32-A $588.28 DHWS
1310185 N/O contact DHWS-40-A-NC $735.32 DHWS

Next-Generation distribution

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