Festo - HGPM

Festo catalog for HGPM. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Gripper function Description Price Category
197567 Single-acting, open HGPM-12-EO-G9 $532.51 HGPM
197562 HGPM-08-EZ-G6 $529.36 HGPM
197564 HGPM-08-EZ-G9 $388.69 HGPM
197559 HGPM-08-EO-G6 $529.25 HGPM
197569 Single-acting, closed HGPM-12-EZ-G8 $440.18 HGPM
197563 HGPM-08-EZ-G8 $378.62 HGPM
197565 Single-acting, open HGPM-12-EO-G6 $605.05 HGPM
197570 Single-acting, closed HGPM-12-EZ-G9 $530.83 HGPM
197568 Single-acting, closed HGPM-12-EZ-G6 $609.40 HGPM
197566 Single-acting, open HGPM-12-EO-G8 $441.35 HGPM
197561 HGPM-08-EO-G9 $454.56 HGPM
197560 HGPM-08-EO-G8 $381.16 HGPM

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