Festo - SME-10M

Festo catalog for SME-10M. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Weight Mounting Position Description Price Category
551368 67 optional SME-10M-DS-24V-E-0,3-Q-M8D $53.46 SME-10M
551370 146 optional SME-10M-ZS-24V-E-2,5-Q-OE $51.04 SME-10M
551366 168 optional SME-10M-DS-24V-E-2,5-Q-OE $51.04 SME-10M
551369 146 optional SME-10M-ZS-24V-E-2,5-L-OE $43.32 SME-10M
551367 67 optional SME-10M-DS-24V-E-0,3-L-M8D $45.66 SME-10M
551365 168 optional SME-10M-DS-24V-E-2,5-L-OE $43.55 SME-10M
551364 optional SME-10M - SME-10M
551364 optional SME-10M-DS-24V-E-5-L-OE $72.41 SME-10M

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