Festo - SMT-10M

Festo catalog for SMT-10M. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Mounting Position Weight Description Price Category
551376 optional 67g SMT-10M-PS-24V-E-0,3-Q-M8D $64.51 SMT-10M
551377 optional 168g SMT-10M-NS-24V-E-2,5-L-OE $66.12 SMT-10M
551383 optional 146g SMT-10M-ZS-24V-E-2,5-Q-OE $68.21 SMT-10M
551379 optional 67g SMT-10M-NS-24V-E-0,3-L-M8D $68.09 SMT-10M
551374 optional 168g SMT-10M-PS-24V-E-2,5-Q-OE $68.40 SMT-10M
551373 optional 168g SMT-10M-PS-24V-E-2,5-L-OE $62.50 SMT-10M
551382 optional 146g SMT-10M-ZS-24V-E-2,5-L-OE $42.11 SMT-10M
551378 optional 168g SMT-10M-NS-24V-E-2,5-Q-OE $71.88 SMT-10M
551375 optional 67g SMT-10M-PS-24V-E-0,3-L-M8D $64.69 SMT-10M
551380 optional 67g SMT-10M-NS-24V-E-0,3-Q-M8D $73.68 SMT-10M
8152201 optional 14g SMT-10M-PS-24V-E-0,3-L-M12 $114.41 SMT-10M
551372 optional SMT-10M-PS-24V-E-1.5-L-M8 $97.50 SMT-10M
551372 optional SMT-10M-PS-24V-E-2.5-L-M8D $100.06 SMT-10M

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