Festo - CAMC

Festo catalog for CAMC. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Dimensions Mounting Position Weight Description Price Category
1911917 19 x 90 x 65 mm optional 75g CAMC-F-EP $609.23 CAMC
547451 CAMC-DN $895.94 CAMC
567856 45g CAMC-EC $626.38 CAMC
1501329 CAMC-DS-M1 $152.63 CAMC
1436343 CAMC-M-S-F10-V1 $115.94 CAMC
1501330 112.6 x 87.2 x 28.3 mm optional 75g CAMC-G-S1 $295.09 CAMC
547450 CAMC-PB $626.29 CAMC
1501331 112.2 x 99.1 x 28.7 mm optional 220g CAMC-G-S3 $1,007.66 CAMC
567855 49g CAMC-D-8E8A $453.32 CAMC
1911916 19 x 90 x 65 mm optional 75g CAMC-F-PN $610.34 CAMC
8094425 CAMC-M-MS-G32-G2 $205.01 CAMC

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