Festo - Plugs for valve terminals

Festo catalog for Plugs for valve terminals. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Description Price Category
538999 NTSD-GD-9-M12-5POL-RK $41.41 NTSD
18709 SD-SUB-D-BU25 $29.81 SD-SUB
18708 SD-SUB-D-BU9 $23.48 SD-SUB
533119 NTSD-WD-11 $63.14 NTSD
18525 FBSD-WD-9 $28.15 FBSD
527522 SD-SUB-D-ST25 $77.38 SD-SUB
534494 FBS-RJ45-8-GS $53.59 FBS-RJ45
532217 FBS-SUB-9-GS-IB-B $115.57 FBS
18527 NTSD-WD-9 $34.75 NTSD
560428 VMPAL-KM-SD25-IP67-0 $47.58 NECV
18493 NTSD-GD-9 $39.04 NTSD
171175 FB-TA-M12-5POL $128.21 FB-TA
532216 FBS-SUB-9-GS-DP-B $129.47 FBS
192768 SD-SUB-D-ST15 $44.51 SD-SUB
177675 SD-SUB-D-BU15 $25.69 SD-SUB

Next-Generation distribution

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