Festo - NEDU

Festo catalog for NEDU. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Weight Description Price Category
2839867 25g NEDU-L2R1-V10-M12G5-M12G5 $63.71 NEDU
8091516 725g NEDU-L1R2-M12G5-M12LE-1R $49.26 NEDU
574586 58g NEDU-L4R1-M8G3L-M12G8 $111.20 NEDU
2903567 377g NEDU-L1R2-V9-M12G8-E-LE5-5R1-LE3-5R2 $200.95 NEDU
2839846 28g NEDU-L2R1-V8-M12G5-M12G5 $37.81 NEDU
562248 255g NEDU-M12D4-M12T4-IS $67.25 NEDU
574587 74g NEDU-L6R1-M8G3L-M12G8 $215.02 NEDU

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