Festo - VABV

Festo catalog for VABV. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Operating Pressure Weight Description Price Category
560843 -0,9 bar ... 10 bar 610g VABV-S2-2S-N12-T2 $123.58 VABV
8068912 VABV-S4-12HS-G-CB-2T5 $124.45 VABV
539222 634g VABV-S4-1S-G14-2T1 $101.42 VABV
539221 634g VABV-S4-1S-N14-2T1 $101.82 VABV
546221 330g VABV-S2-1HS-N38-T2 $114.74 VABV
546219 330g VABV-S2-1HS-G38-T2 $115.56 VABV
539223 447g VABV-S4-2S-N18-2T2 $109.13 VABV
546210 634g VABV-S4-1HS-G14-2T1 $155.23 VABV
8068156 330g VABV-S2-1HS-G38-CB-T1 $109.31 VABV
546220 330g VABV-S2-1HS-N38-T1 $111.37 VABV
560842 -0,9 bar ... 10 bar 610g VABV-S2-2S-G12-T1 $119.38 VABV
8067942 VABV-S4-1HS-G14-CB-2T1 $107.42 VABV
546212 VABV-S4-1HS-N14-2T1 $109.76 VABV
542459 340g VABV-S2-1S-G38-T1 $102.52 VABV
8068911 VABV-S4-12HS-G-CB-2T2 $115.12 VABV

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