INA - Special Bearings

INA catalog for Special Bearings. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Outer Diameter Weight Description Price Category
GS81134 215 1,000 0000274130000 $307.03 Other Bearing
GS81140 250 1,446 0000219970000 $452.62 Other Bearing
GS81152 320 2,666 0000220980000 $780.66 Other Bearing
GS81156 350 3,940 0000221100000 $1,007.33 Other Bearing
GS81160 380 5,920 0000274990000 $1,214.18 Other Bearing
GS81207 62 75.80 0000247320000 $20.70 Other Bearing
GS81208 68 83.70 0000251350000 $29.02 Other Bearing
GS81209 73 101 0000247750000 $20.92 Other Bearing
GS81211 90 200.70 0000248130000 $41.08 Other Bearing
GS81212 95 229.80 0000248300000 $33.78 Other Bearing
GS81213 100 261.70 0000248560000 $47.04 Other Bearing
GS81214 105 276 0000248990000 $53.99 Other Bearing
GS81216 115 327 0000249370000 $64.67 Other Bearing
GS81218 135 614 0000249530000 $96.88 Other Bearing
GS81220 150 830 0000249700000 $110.84 Other Bearing

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